Duke Nukem Forever Review!

01.18 Unknown 0 Comments

Alright I know you have all heard the terrible reviews. Well don't listen to them, if you are a Duke fan you will love this game! I am typing this to you as the end credits are rolling lol. Yes I just beat the game this is why I am doing a review on it right now. Anyway lets start shall we?

So the gameplay in Duke Nukem Forever plays like Duke Nukem 3D. You obviously play as Duke Nukem and your goal is to kill the cycloid emperor because the aliens are stealing the hot women from planet earth. I am not getting into details about the story but basically that is the short version. So in Duke Nukem Forever you only can carry two guns, like any newer FPS. You always start with the Gold Pistol which I recommend you keep during the whole game because if you do you get a whopping 50G achievement or Trophy called Gunslinger for doing so. The game is actually medium in length and somewhat difficult like Duke 3D was. The game is hilarious and there is tons of interactivity in the game. You can drink beer to toughen yourself up, take steroids to enter roid rage and destroy your enemies in one hit with your fists, holo duke is back and funny as hell, and you also have a pair of nightvision sun glasses. The game has just over 12 chapters with most of them having 2 parts to it. I think the game should have been a bit more polished as in due to the low FPS rate and at some areas the FPS drops next to nothing. Within the game some of the interactivity includes a pinball machine, drinking, peeing, throwing feces....yes feces, lifting weights, punch punching bags, grab a pair of smokes, condoms, sodas out of the soda machine. The list just goes on. There are also a lot of easter eggs within the game that I had to laugh at. For example in the second or third chapter a soldier tells you that there is some armor and a power suit in in the crate that you can grab to get ready. When you go up to the crate you grab your ammo and then you will see a spartan suit (master chiefs outfit) from halo and when Duke see's it he says "Power Suits are for pussies". To wrap it all up Duke Nukem is back and he is as funny as ever. The gameplay is fun as hell, and there is a nice challenge. When you beat the game I recommend you look at the extras there are some amazing things in there.

"Power Armor if for pussies" (taken from my cell phone)

Multiplayer is pretty neat. Not really a big point in the level up system but you can unlock items for your mansion and redecorate it. I personally enjoy the multiplayer aspect of the game. There is one things that really drives me nuts and it is the load times from each chapter. The most annoying part is when you die and you have let the whole chapter reload again and it takes forever!!


This one isn't going to be that long because yes the graphics are from 2008, and they are outdated but if you know from my other reviews. I don't care about graphics. Gameplay is where it is at. Anyway they are outdated as stated before, the are a lot of low FPS drops during gameplay some of the characters look bad. The animations for duke nukem aren't good at all. If you watch him jump and walk in a mirror the animations look terrible.


Try taking out one of these with a pistol.

Yep the audio is back! To begin all of duke nukems famous quotes made a return as well as some new ones. Some of the quotes even include video game spoofs. Such as Dead space, Halo, and Mortal Kombat. The music is really well done and the sound effects from the enemies are roughly the same as Duke 3D just updated for 2008. The sound of the guns shooting is neat, especially the ripper gun. Sounds like...well your ripping it up.


Duke Nukem is back and kicking ass as always! If you are a Duke Nukem fan I recommend you check this game out. It is fun as hell and has a lot of humor for everyone to enjoy. If you aren't, just give the game a chance, play through the whole game before making a solid judgement. It's been 14 years, give the guy a break.

Overall: 8.5/10

The final boss!

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Twitter Account.

16.15 Unknown 0 Comments

Hey if you guys want to follow me. Follow me @cody_c on twitter. When I get more followers I will be making a separate twitter account for the blog as well as a facebook page.

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Twitter account

02.10 Unknown 0 Comments

I will be posting my twitter account this evening, so follow if you are interested :).

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Lateness on Crysis 2

02.08 Unknown 0 Comments

Hey guys I just want to apologize for the lateness on my Crysis 2 review. Got called into work for an extra shift but I promise it will be up on Monday or Tuesday night, no later.


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Twitter and facebook!

21.54 Unknown 0 Comments

Hey you can also follow me on twitter. Right now I will use my main twitter for now but when i get more people I am going to make a separate twitter account and facebook page as well.

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Review date!

21.53 Unknown 0 Comments

Hey all the review will be up this afternoon (June 10th)! Keep an eye out for it!

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New review coming: Crysis 2

02.27 Unknown 0 Comments

Just a small heads up that I will posting up a review for crysis 2 very soon. Hopefully tonight. No later than Monday. I will annouce the day this afternoon.

Thanks everyone!

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Worthy E3 announcements!

11.24 Unknown 0 Comments

Halo 4 - Fall 2012.

They showed Gears of War 3 demo. They are currently showing a 30 minute demo of Skyrim and it looks unbelievable. Next up will be the 10 minute demo of MW3.

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Duke Nukem Demo Review!

23.39 Unknown 0 Comments

This is going to be a very short review because it is only a demo.

So the graphics in Duke Nukem are really nice from what I have seen from the Demo. If I would have pre-ordered it on PC I would have taken some footage. Anyway the graphics obviously got a huge update and have a shiny new coating. The environment details are nice as well as the visual effects in the game. The enemies look nice and the first boss you have to fight in the game is awesome looking! They really made him look fierce!


Well the gameplay is pretty awesome. It was kind of iffy at some parts but then again it is only the demo and it only has two missions you can play from. The demo itself is very short but after 13 long years I am sure it is nice just to get a taste of the game. At the beginning of the game you start off in the bathroom using the urinal. Then you can explore around the area and interact with most of the objects......and yes you can go in the toilet and grab feces and throw it around. The funny this about that is some of the saying Duke says as he is throwing it around and picking it up lol. After the bathroom you go out and you see all of these decapitated bodies and then you walk up to this white board that has plans called "Operation Cock Block" and the soldier asks if you want to add anything to the white board. As your drawing or writing on the board he says "Thats a great plan Duke!" and when you finish your masterpiece he says "Wow Duke that is the best plan I have ever seen....I don't understand it but if I did I am sure it is the best plan!". After that you get to go to the field and kick the bosses ass with some pretty sexy guns. When thats over you kick the eye into the field goal and then the scene turns into duke playing himself in a video game and two females pleasuring him orally. On of the girls says "Well Duke what do you think about the game, was it any good?" Duke says, "Well after 12 f**king years it should be good!" I kind of laughed there. Then you move onto the second mission. The second mission is basically you driving dukes car, going into a mining area to find some more gasoline and then refill the car. Thats the end of the Demo! Pretty funny, good gameplay and cannot WAIT for the final game!



Yep so you know Duke with his sayings! Yeah well they are all back and funny as ever in the demo! The in game sound effects are really good and Duke Nukems sounds phenomenal and crystal clear. Obviously they want everyone to hear Duke Nukems hilarious speeches. 


Conclusion of the Demo:
The demo overall was pretty fun. I was just happy to play as Duke again and here his hilarious quotes. The second mission on the demo kind of worried me because it started off really slow and kind of dull. But it picked up at the end. I am still a bit worried for the final product because well this game as been in development for 13 years and people expect it to be great. I think it will turn out to be one of the best games of the year. I just really hope other people will think that as well. Thank you Gearbox and 3D Realms for this awesome game and bringing us back Duke Nukem! "Hail to the King Baby!"

Hail to the King Baby!

Overall Rating: 9/10

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Duke Nukem Demo out now!

23.18 Unknown 0 Comments

Hey for all of you Duke Nukem fans out there th First Access Demo is out! So get your codes and try it out!

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23.17 Unknown 0 Comments

Sorry peeps! Been very busy but I am back on schedule! Keep an eye on an ass load of reviews soon!

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