Fable III

17.31 Unknown 0 Comments

Alright time for Fable 3!

First of all fable is one of my most favorite series of all time. But I will still give my honest review.

- The gameplay in Fable III is solid. The mechanics are totally different then from Fable I and II. What I mean by that is experience. You know longer gain experience in the game. The only type of experience currency you get is for guild seals. You spend these guild seals to upgrade your weapons and magic. It is also used for buying new spells and expression and abilities to marry, buy, sell, rent, etc.... Now your goal in Fable III is to become king of Albion and save all your people from an even greater threat than your brother. There are a lot of things I like about this game. The Co-op is much better, your can go into partnerships with people over live to get more gold, you can marry one another, have a family, do quests, and the best part is that you don't have to use a preset character, you bring your own character into your friends world. In Fable II and I you had an inventory where you can use items and change clothes. That is gone, well not totally they just made it better. When you press start you get teleported to your Sanctuary where you are able to view your xbox live friends, status, change clothes, make-up, tattoo's, color's, you can view your trophies and achievements, any gifts sent you to from an xbox live person gets put on the gift shelf, and you can also travel and change your weaponry and spells. Fable III's world is much bigger than Fable II. My only complaint is the slow loading times and graphical jitters.


- The graphics in-game are very well done. Some of the character models look to cheesy but the environment details are phenomenal. The cinematic graphics are even better, almost looks like your watching a movie. The enchantments and detail on the weapons and armor are also very well done. There are some graphical errors though just like in any other game, but they aren't that noticeable and will not change the gameplay what so ever.


- The audio is also excellent in this game. The sound track is excellent, the voice acting is great, and the background sounds are very well done as well. The only issue I have with the audio is something you have to turn your TV up loud to hear what they are saying then when the talking is over it's loud from the music or combat.


Overall Score:

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21.16 Unknown 0 Comments

Well lets start off with my first review shall we? Since this is my first review posting I will explain quickly and shortly how I will be doing this. First I will divide each review in 3 sections; gameplay, audio, and graphics. Then at the end of each section it will be an overall score then at the end of the whole review will be the overall game score. So lets get on with it!

- The game play in Darksiders if very much like God of War. In Darksiders your roll is to basically avenge what happened to you. Basically you are one of the four horsemen and you were betrayed into bringing the earth into an apocalyptic ending. Anyway there are some really good fighting mechanics and combos you unlock and purchase. To purchase these skills, combos and weapons you use an in game currency known as souls. You earn these currencies from killing enemies or giving the vendor artifacts in exchange for souls. Some of the missions that need to be done kind of get repetitive and the puzzles get annoying and unnecessary. There are some really neat monsters in the game that take skill to take them down. The boss fights on the other hand are a bit to simple. Some bosses are huge and require you to think of a strategy to take them down will some you run in there like a maniac and hit them till they go down. The last boss is a let down. The boss is massive in size and is a 2 boss fight (same guy) and is extremely easy. The game is pretty long, but that is because of the repetiveness. Overall the game play is pretty decent.


- The graphics in this game are pretty good. What I like most about this game is the art work. I am a fan of demons and fantasy artwork so if you like those then you will love this. The artwork is gorgeous as well as the graphics. When you enchant your sword the glows make it look that much better. The combo styles and skills you unlock as well as weapons have pretty neat effects as well. Overall the graphics are great.


- The audio in this game is also well done. It has a God of war style music in the menu and during the game play. The voice acting is well done as well. The main character which your playing has a great voice. Anyone know illidan from World of Warcraft? Yeah that's right!


Overall Game Score:



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New Blog!!

20.59 Unknown 0 Comments

Hey everyone!

Just thought I would start a new blog here and try and keep it going. So I decided to do something that really interests me and a lot of other people. I won't be doing up to date new reviews all the time but I will be reviewing older game as well. It will be basically random and I will be trying to focus on the new releases as well but you know that costs money lol. So stay tuned!

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